
Taking on the Challenge of Cognitive Diversity Research through Interdisciplinary Approaches: Insights from Law, Neuroscience, and Kansei Engineering

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As a university focused on comprehensive education and research, Chuo University conducts advanced research on Cognitive Diversity with an aim of contributing to society. This research demands the fusion of technology development—that is rooted in science and engineering—with humanistic and social approaches that tackle the challenges that emerge from the social implementation of this technology. To facilitate this fusion in a streamlined manner, Chuo University has established the “Research Cluster Formation Support System.”


This system provides subsidies from the university to conduct interdisciplinary research that can obtain external funding. This could become a feature of our university in the future. Researchers from other universities and companies are also invited to participate in this program, with the aim of conducting outstanding interdisciplinary academic research and strengthening research capabilities through the promotion of interdisciplinary fusion.


In this issue, we introduce Professor Hiroko Kudo from the Faculty of Law, who is leading a project titled “Implementation of Agent Technology to Support Vulnerable Populations.” The project aims to identify the ethical, legal, and social challenges that arise when childcare agents or older adult care agents that utilize robots or CG characters are implemented in society. The common theme that connects all the researchers working on this project is Cognitive Diversity.


Therefore, we met with Professor Kudo, Dr. Atsushi Maki, a neuroscientist at the Center for Exploratory Research, Research and Development Group, Hitachi, Ltd., and Dr. Takashi Sakamoto, an expert in Kansei (impression or affective) engineering and welfare information technology at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), to discuss how they address Cognitive Diversity.

なお、認知多様性という言葉について、本プロジェクトでは人間の心理や感情、人間関係や社会の中での立ち位置など幅広い分野を扱っていることから、通常の学術用語である認知多様性ではなく「コグニティブ・ダイバーシティ(Cognitive Diversity)」と本記事では表記します。

In this project, we use “Cognitive Diversity“ slightly differently from the original term used in psychology in order to cover perspectives from a wide range of fields, such as human psychology and emotion, human relationships, and social standing.

工藤 裕子

法学部 教授


Hiroko Kudo
Professor, Faculty of Law, Chuo University

Prof. Dr. Hiroko KUDO is full professor of public policy and management at the Faculty of Law, Chuo University and visiting professor at the Faculty of Public Administration, University of Ljubljana. She earned a Ph.D. in Public Policy at the University of Venice in Italy and was associate professor at Waseda University, visiting research fellow at the Economic and Social Research Institute of the Cabinet Office, and senior visiting research fellow at the Policy Research Institute at the Ministry of Finance, both of the Japanese Government. Her main research topics include e-Government and digitalization of public administration, Smart City, co-production in public service delivery, and local public finance and governance.

牧 敦

株式会社日立製作所 基礎研究センタ 主管研究員

慶應義塾大学 理工学研究科機械工学専攻 修了。株式会社日立製作所に入社後、中央研究所、基礎研究センタ、本社・新事業開発本部などを歴任。光による脳機能計測技術・トポグラフィの開発を初期から担当。脳神経科学に基づく環境デザインの方法論開発と社会実装を推進。著書:心にひびくデザイン。博士(工学)。

Atsushi Maki
Chief Researcher, Center for Exploratory Research (CER), Hitachi, Ltd.

Dr. Atsushi MAKI, who holds a PhD in Engineering, graduated from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University. Since joining Hitachi, Ltd., he has been involved in many different roles, including at the company’s Central Research Laboratory, the Center for Exploratory Research, and the New Business Development Department at the company headquarters. Right from his initial days of joining, he was in charge of the development of brain-function measurement technology using light (optical topography). Dr. Maki is a driving force in methodology development for environmental design based on neuroscience, and its implementation in society. Author: Design that Impresses the Heart.

坂本 隆

国立研究開発法人 産業技術総合研究所(人間拡張研究センター)主任研究員

大阪大学大学院基礎工学研究科にてサイバネティクスと生体計測を専攻し、1993年に博士(工学)を取得。中央大学大学院理工学研究科(連携大学院)客員教授を兼務。学術誌『Color Science Research』編集委員長。感性工学、福祉情報工学、色彩科学、人間拡張技術を専門とする。

Takashi Sakamoto
Senior Research Scientist of Human Augmentation Research Center, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST).

Dr. Takashi SAKAMOTO is Senior Research Scientist of Human Augmentation Research Center, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST). He received his Ph. D. in Engineering Science from Osaka University in 1993. He holds another position as a visiting professor at the Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Chuo University. He is also the editor-in-chief of a brand-new peer-reviewed journal, “Color Science Research,” published by the Color Science Association of Japan. He majored in cybernetics and biometrics. His current research topics are Kansei engineering, welfare information technology, color science, and human augmentation technology.


Cognitive Diversity as Considered by Each


Q: Could you each explain how you apply Cognitive Diversity in your respective research?


Professor Kudo (hereinafter, titles and honorifics will be omitted): In my field, diversity typically includes issues such as healthcare policies, but also encompasses the parent–child relationships addressed in this project.


For example, in the field of medicine, the UK has advocated for personalized medicine since 2010, which refers to the adjustment of treatment methods and medications based on individual characteristics, family history, heredity, and more, rather than treating all patients uniformly. From a public administration perspective, I am researching how such personalization and preventive medicine affect people’s well-being and ultimately, the cost to society of such interventions.


A key focus of this project is parent–child relationships. We are exploring how the relationship changes when a child-rearing agent comprised of robots or AI intervenes. Parent–child relationships differ between families and, depending on the situation, between the same parent and child too. How parents and children perceive each other is rooted in Cognitive Diversity.


Maki: When it comes to my approach to Cognitive Diversity, I focus on the brain. We have developed a technique called “optical topography” to understand the state of the brain.


Through our research, we have come to realize that there is Diversity in brain function. We have personally experienced that brain activity varies differently in different people, even when they are exposed to the same stimuli (such as things we see or the sounds we hear). Considering the fact that our society is composed of brains, we believe that it is important to establish a methodology to understand the diverse functioning of the brain and create a better society.


Neural circuits that develop in the brain become unique due to the interaction between our genetic makeup and the environment in which we grow up. Our research revealed that the brains of newborns respond significantly to the sound of the first language that they hear after birth. We are born with diverse cultural backgrounds, and this makes you realize that it is difficult to understand human cognition through averages and draw conclusions on the state of society.


One of the initiatives we have undertaken, is to elucidate the changes that occur in brain function during development, with the goal of developing toys for infants and toddlers. These toys are intended to support the parent–child relationship and the development of the child’s brain. Unlike traditional toys, the parenting agents we are studying can learn and change over time. They may also be connected to society on a larger scale through the internet, potentially mitigating issues related to isolation and loneliness. We want to understand whether introducing such parenting agents can improve the parent–child relationship and contribute to positive interventions during children’s growth phases.


Sakamoto: My expertise is in Kansei (impression or affective) engineering, which is used to explore people’s psychological states using behavioral observations and physiological measurements. Even in the same person, emotional and cognitive status can change from time to time. We aim to address Cognitive Diversity by understanding these changes.

人というものは、あるとき何かしらの経験をすると、それまで抱いていたある物事に対する認知が一気に変わってしまうことがあります。例えば小倉百人一首に、「逢ひ見ての のちの心に くらぶれば 昔はものを 思はざりけり」という権中納言敦忠の和歌があります。逢瀬を遂げてしまったら、以前は何も考えてなかったと言うほどに、相手に対する気持ちや捉え方すら変わってしまったという趣旨の歌ですが、この現象は恋愛に限ったことではありません。私たちが感性や認知と呼んでいる物事の感じ方や捉え方も、何かしらの刺激を受けたり、学習をしたり、経験をしたりすることで常に変化しているのです。この百人一首の和歌は、コグニティブ・ダイバーシティの特徴を端的に表していると思っています。

When people have experienced a special event, their cognition about them may change entirely at once. For example, in the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu (an anthology of 100 Japanese poems from 100 different poets compiled in the 13 century), there is a waka (a Japanese classical poem with a 5-7-5-7-7 syllabic structure) by Gon Chunagon Atsutada that reads, “After seeing you / my heart aches so much more / than it did before. / The past pains of my yearning / as though those thoughts were nothing.” This waka illustrates how meeting someone can change how we feel and recognize someone through a new and different lens. This waka means that our cognition varies greatly through some experiences.. This phenomenon is not limited to romantic situations. The way we feel and perceive things, which we call Kansei and cognition, is constantly changing through different stimulations, learnings, and experiences. I think this waka from the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu is a typical example of the characteristics of Cognitive Diversity.


According to the concept of Cognitive Diversity, we can measure how people feel and perceive things, analyze this information, and provide appropriate feedback to change their cognition. For example, a parenting agent can be connected to a network, such as to other medical personnel or parents and children, and can relay appropriate feedback to them. In such a case, it might be possible to improve strained or dysfunctional parent–child relationships.


My research institute, AIST, aims to serve as a bridge between basic research at universities and product development in industry, taking into account both aspects. As a researcher participating in this project from the position of a publicly funded research institution that can supervise research from the basic to the applied level, I believe that my role is very important.


Cognitive Diversity is what Enables Cognitive Change


Q. What kind of research are you conducting on Cognitive Diversity in your respective fields?


Sakamoto: One of the research projects I am working on at AIST is the development of technology to support people with color vision deficiency.


The supportive technology that we are researching not only helps color vision-deficient individuals to simply identify colors, but also understands their feelings and enables them to share the same impressions and emotions as those without color vision deficiency. We are conducting research and development toward technology that can empathize with and support them, with the aim of considering the quality of life (QOL) of color vision-deficient individuals and taking their feelings into account.


In terms of providing technology tailored to an individual, we believe that developing supportive technology suited to vulnerable populations and helping them feel comfortable is one of the research themes included in Cognitive Diversity. This technology is a remarkable tool to realize the concept of “inclusion,” a term widely used in education and welfare, as it allows us to provide the support that meets the needs of everyone.


Maki: When you say inclusion, you mean recognizing and embracing the Diversity that exists among humankind, right? I think this is quite important.


Kudo: While social sciences occasionally discuss inclusion in the context of LGBTQ issues, race is the most crucial aspect of inclusion in modern society. Although it has not garnered much attention in Japan, in multicultural nations such as those in Europe and America, building a society where people with varying lifestyles, values, religions, and other factors can coexist, is a constant concern.


Sakamoto: In Japan, the term “inclusion” is often used in the context of supporting people with disabilities. However, we are expanding the concept of inclusion even further.


For example, let’s say that teleworking and in-person (office) working are combined, and a meeting is held where some people gather in the company’s meeting room while others participate online from their homes. For those participating online, it becomes difficult to understand the atmosphere of the in-person meeting in the real office room, and communication becomes more challenging, causing them to feel “left behind.” Some of you may have experienced this situation, but it can be seen as an issue of the concept-expanded “inclusion.”


In other words, not only do individuals have unique ways of perceiving and understanding things, but their situations also play a role in Cognitive Diversity. Recognizing the existence of such situations and finding solutions that can help everyone is one of the answers that Cognitive Diversity seeks to provide. To achieve this, we are considering providing feedback in different ways by reproducing a person’s situation and changing the current situation.


Q: What do you mean by “giving feedback”?


Sakamoto: Consider this example. There have been reports of people wearing VR goggles and entering the metaverse, only to experience sexual harassment while operating their avatar as a woman or discrimination while operating their avatar as a Black person. While it is unfortunate that people have had such unpleasant experiences, the metaverse also enables others to “virtually experience the situations of people in different circumstances.” Taking advantage of this fact, we would like to consider feedback that would enable people who have had virtual experiences that change their cognition through Cognitive Diversity, to change the real world based on those experiences. This way, the real world can become a better place.


Kudo: In the past, to simulate the experience of older adults, weights were attached to the hands and feet, or goggles were worn to impair vision or narrow the field of view. However, with the advent of VR and metaverse technology, it is now possible to experience these situations virtually.


Sakamoto: With VR technology, it is relatively easy to conduct training with a realistic sense of presence that is difficult to replicate in reality, such as providing customer service with varying levels of politeness, emergency evacuation guidance and behavior prediction, and operations in hospitals and care facilities.


Kudo: The experiments that were conducted on-site in the past can now be conducted using VR, and I understand they are now being utilized even in product development and other areas.


Q: When considering the concept of “changing cognition,” isn’t there a risk of being misused for brainwashing or impression manipulation?


Kudo: Certainly, that is a difficult issue. Even in my research area, which is nudge theory, we cannot avoid this point.


A nudge is a mechanism that encourages people to voluntarily make optimal choices without major incentives. This concept came into the limelight in the late 1990s, when the British government began implementing it. For example, for drug addicts, instead of resorting to punishment, efforts were made to prevent relapse by inducing behavioral changes through effective inputs.


In the case of using nudge as a policy, the government determines what is considered valuable as “good.” On the other hand, in everyday services, the company providing the service determines the value, which can result in some form of steering or manipulation.


In the past, nudging as a policy tended to be one-sided, with the aim to induce behavioral changes by sending across the same message to everyone. However, if we call for energy conservation for instance, it doesn’t make much sense to call for it to those who are already practicing it. Personalization is also necessary to nudge, such as sending messages only to those who have not yet taken steps toward energy conservation.


Nudge and technology both require solid data if they are to be utilized in policies. This is known as “evidence-based policymaking,” and conducting such analyses is also a part of my research.


Maki: You just brought up a question. How should one determine what is good or valuable? In the context of my research on the brain, if we define the brain as an organ that grows and learns from external conditions, I consider the “state in which the brain is nurtured” to be good.


Kudo: What do you mean by “nurturing the brain?”


Maki: It means learning to live better. For example, a study examined the synapses (junctions between neurons) in the brain of a deceased baby, which showed that the number of synapses in the visual cortex, which is involved in seeing, peaks at eight months after birth. When developing toys based on neuroscience for Bandai, the focus was on creating toys that can stimulate vision for babies during this period.


On the other hand, the synapses in the language area rapidly increase between 1.5 to 3 years of age. Since the number of words learned increases rapidly during this period, it is appropriate to have toys that support language development during this time.


Around the age of 4, the ability to think from the perspective of others begins to develop, and toys featuring characters appear, allowing for imaginative play. It has been discovered that playing with such toys helps develop the ability to understand what people are thinking.


Therefore, by providing toys that offer stimulating experiences that are within reach of a child’s developmental stage, we believe we can nurture their brains and ultimately, their hearts. That is why I am collaborating with Bandai to develop their toy products.


We believe that the mind or the brain is not only capable of intelligence, but also sensibility, social skills, and other aspects. When nurtured, these aspects can help people live a better life. There are appropriate periods of sensitivity for nurturing these aspects, so we offer scientifically verified play methods (which may even be educational methods) as values. We continue to work under the concept of “nurturing the brain” by providing an environment from the outside to nurture the mind (brain) for a better life, not just limited to infancy and toddler periods.


Promoting Dialogue through Diversity of Research Cluster

—— 今後、それぞれの研究の中でコグニティブ・ダイバーシティをどのように扱っていきたいですか。

Q: How do you plan to deal with Cognitive Diversity in your research moving forward?


Sakamoto: In the case of this project, I believe that technology based on sensing psychological, behavioral, and physiological information can also be applied to parent–child relationships. Parent–child relationships are not always consistent and can sometimes be strained. Technological advancements have been remarkable, and we can now acquire, analyze, and attribute real-time meaning to physiological information. With an understanding of the psychological state of the parent and child, it should be possible for a child-rearing agent to provide feedback tailored to the parent–child relationship at the time.


Maki: In neuroscience, there is potential to utilize Cognitive Diversity in the context of diagnosing developmental disorders. For example, it is particularly difficult to distinguish between autism spectrum disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Some studies support the diagnosis of these disorders based on the measurements of brain functions.


Kudo: Supporting individuals with developmental disorders is also a challenge in universities. In many cases, symptoms may exist from a young age but go unnoticed by parents and people around them. By measuring brain function in such cases, it might be possible to accurately diagnose and respond to the condition. In fact, research in this area is currently underway.


Maki: Personally, I am interested in the fundamental question of why there is Cognitive Diversity in brain function in the first place. I think that personal preferences such as boys liking the color blue and girls liking the color red/pink are influenced by the environment, including the parents. However, the real reason underlying these preferences is not fully understood, so my goal is to gain a thorough understanding of these issues and provide clarification.


It is likely that everything we talked about today relates to well-being. While there are various definitions of well-being, the industry considers it as “solutions that can help achieve a better life.” In a world with Cognitive Diversity, the focus is on how to achieve well-being.


Well-being is an important theme that should not be confined to just the medical field but approached through interdisciplinary collaboration. When new technologies emerge, discussions on the ethical issues surrounding their use and how they can be addressed require the participation of experts from various academic disciplines. This is exactly what needs to be done with parenting agents.


Kudo: That’s correct. Parenting agents are different from the toys that parents give to their children, because third-party values enter the parent–child relationship. It is also related to the Constitution and Family Law (the combination of Civil Code Books IV and V). Therefore, experts in Constitutional and Family Law are also involved in this project.


Sakamoto: I believe that these discussions should be conducted through collaborations between the industry, the government, and academic institutions. Corporations do not have experts who specialize in legal systems or future prospects, and their research and development only focuses on the immediate future, such as the next five years. On the other hand, research institutions such as universities and AIST conduct studies that are based on a predicted future, 20–30 years from now. Of course, only academic research will not solve this problem, and a collaboration with corporations is equally necessary to discuss and share these issues.


Maki: It can be difficult to have discussions that are led solely by corporations. I believe that it is ideal for the industry, the government, and academia to collaborate in order to predict the future and create appropriate systems. There are always pros and cons to new technology, so it is necessary to have discussions that include how humans will use it.


Kudo: Trying to change the law afterward to suit the reality of change can often result in a patchwork of measures that ultimately lead to the failure of a system. It is ideal to anticipate what kind of problems may arise when new technologies are implemented in society, and to discuss what legal and administrative systems should be in place to prepare for the future.


However, in reality, there are few opportunities for dialogue between experts in technology and law. It may be suitable to form teams such as this research cluster, which utilizes the diversity of expertise while pursuing a common goal, i.e., to conduct research on individual specialties and interests while working toward a common direction.


After the Discussion


Through the common theme of Cognitive Diversity, Dr. Kudo, Dr. Maki, and Dr. Sakamoto have engaged in extensive discussions, despite differences in their areas of expertise and research methods. Along with other team members, they have held workshops every other week, bringing together their respective knowledge to contribute to in-depth discussions.

今回の研究クラスターは2021年に採択され、その後2022年9月に科学技術振興機構(JST)の推進する「未来社会創造事業」の中で「親子相互交流療法を活用した親子のウェルビーイング実現技術」という研究開発課題(代表者:本学理工学部 新妻実保子教授)が採択され、研究クラスターの役割を果たした好例といえます。

The research cluster was adopted in 2021 and later selected as a research and development project titled “Realization of Parent–Child Well-Being Utilizing Parent–Child Interaction Therapy” under the JST-Mirai Program: Innovative R&D for the future in September 2022. This project serves as an excellent example of the role of the research cluster in bringing together experts from diverse fields to tackle a common theme. The project leader is Professor Mihoko Niitsuma from the Faculty of Science and Engineering of our university.


Diversity is a theme that has gained attention from researchers in both scientific and sociological fields. We encourage researchers and companies from other universities to take advantage of Chuo University’s research cluster formation support system and engage in interdisciplinary research with our scholars.

From left to right: Dr.Sakamoto,Dr.Maki,Prof.Kudo,Prof.Kato,Faculty of Science and Engineering,

Photographer:Kato Hajime Writer & Editor:島田祥輔

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