海部 健三 Kenzo Kaifu

法学部 教授/IUCN種の保存委員会 ウナギ属魚類専門家グループ/Zoological Society of London 名誉保全フェロー

Professor, Faculty of Law / IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC) Anguillid Eel Specialist Group / Zoological Society of London Honorary Conservation Fellow

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To achieve the conservation and sustainable use of freshwater eels


There are 16 species of freshwater eels in the world, most of which are classified as Endangered or Near Threatened. To achieve the conservation and sustainable use of freshwater eels, that are facing various threats in which human activities are strongly involved, an interdisciplinary approach that integrates not only biology but with various academic disciplines, such as political science, law, economics, and sociology, is essential. It also requires collaboration with politicians, authorities, stakeholders, and NGOs. After graduating from the Faculty of Sociology, I worked at an ordinary company and then obtained a PhD in the field of life sciences. Then, finally, I am currently enrolled in the Faculty of Law. With such background, I have been conducting research and activities related to the ecology of freshwater eels in rivers and coastal areas, as well as trying to develop a system to appropriately manage freshwater eels for conservation and sustainable use, in collaboration with experts from diverse academic fields, companies, NGOs, and other organizations.

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The aim is to build a society where freshwater eels and humans can coexist in harmony

Sustainable use of freshwater eels


There are 16 species of freshwater eels in the world, including the Japanese eel, which is the main species consumed in Japan. However, no single eel species has been realized for sustainable use. My research aims to realize the conservation and sustainable use of freshwater eels through an interdisciplinary approach that integrates natural sciences with humanities and social sciences. The research field is not limited to East Asia, but also includes Europe, Southeast Asia, and the Americas.


Research Possibilities: what the research create to the World



The fisheries industry, national and local government agencies, environmental conservation NGOs, and others

This research is applicable to any organization or individual aiming for the conservation and/or sustainable use of freshwater eels, regardless of the location or content. We can cooperate with them according to their individual circumstances. This cooperation may include explaining and discussing the situation surrounding freshwater eels, conducting on-site surveys, and planning and introducing specific measures.

Research 02



Examine appropriate and effective resource management using an interdisciplinary approach

Effective stocking procedures for freshwater eels



Stocking is a large-scale Japanese eel stock restoration measure that is currently underway. Recently, however, it has been pointed out that stock restoration by stocking is not highly effective and that release may have a negative impact on the population. To contribute to the restoration of the Japanese eel stock, we will conduct an interdisciplinary study, including the fields of ecology, economics, political science, and sociology, while integrating the latest research results on freshwater eel ecology, to propose more appropriate measures. It is possible that the results of the study may lead to a proposal to reduce or abolish freshwater eel stocking.
One such example is the new method of stocking eels through the “Unagi Tabe Tsugu Project” launched by A Zero Group inc., in which I am participating as a member of the expert committee.

*What is the “Unagi Tabe Tsugu Project”?
Glass eel catches have been decreasing, and the price of the eels continues to rise. […] The “Unagi Tabe Tsugu Project” was a project to seek ways to conserve and sustainably use freshwater eels, and to connect them to the future both as a “food” and as part of “Japanese culture”. Such passions led us to launch this project.


Research Possibilities: what the research create to the World



Companies, NPOs, NGOs, etc. taking part in CSR and CSV related to environmental conservation

As one of the more appropriate options for releasing freshwater eels, the “Unagi Tabe Tsugu Project” has been stocking glass eels (juvenile eels) into a biotope created next to rice paddies and tracking their survive and growth. Based on the results obtained from these cases, we will suggest a way to use freshwater eels sustainably from the private sector.

「うなぎ食べ継ぐプロジェクト(うなつぐプロジェクト)」とは: シラスウナギの漁獲量は減少傾向にあり、価格は高騰を続けています。(中略)シラスウナギが減少しているから、うなぎを食べないということではなく、うなぎを食べながら守る方法がないか、 うなぎを“食べ物”としても、“日本の文化”としても将来につなげていくための方法はないか。こうした思いからプロジェクトを発足させるに至りました。

Research 03



Understanding freshwater eel distribution and seeking ways to reduce poaching, smuggling, and trafficking

Appropriate distribution of freshwater eels


Illegal activities are often found in the fishing and distribution of freshwater eels, and it is sometimes claimed as the world’s largest wildlife crime in monetary terms. Through an analysis of fisheries data, customs statistics, and species identification of products distributed in the market, we aim to understand the status of domestic and international freshwater eel trade. Through interviews with fishermen, middlemen, medias, managers, and other stakeholders, we also aim to understand the actual status of distribution. Alongside those studies, we are considering appropriate measures and regulations. (From press release “International collaboration enabled participatory stock assessment on glass eel fisheries in West Java, Indonesia“)

Figure 1: Research led by Hiromi Shiraishi, researcher at Chuo University, indicated a steep rise in the importation of American Eel (Anguilla rostrata) live fry to East Asia for aquaculture purposes. (Top) Trends in the import of freshwater fried eel from other regions to East Asia based on East Asian customs statistics; (Bottom) Trends in the import of juvenile eels from the Americas to East Asia.
From press release “American Eel as an Emerging Consumer Target ~ Imports of American Eel Fry for Aquaculture to East Asia Reach All-Time High~


Research Possibilities: what the research create to the World



Food distribution and retail

For compliance-conscious companies, selling freshwater eels is a challenge, as poaching, smuggling, and trafficking are rampant. The current situation surrounding freshwater eels would be explained, and in light of this, we can discuss how to obtain appropriately caught, distributed, and traceable freshwater eels.




A Zero Group inc.



Unagi Tabe Tsugu Project


The Nature Conservation Society of Japan



Unagi Ikinokori Sugoroku

イオン株式会社・P.T. Iroha Sidat Indonesia・WWFインドネシア・WWFジャパン

AEON Co., Ltd. P.T. Iroha Sidat Indonesia, WWF Indonesia, WWF Japan


インドネシア・ジャワ島 ウナギ保全プロジェクト

The Indonesian Shortfin Eel Conservation Project


Ministry of the Environment



Commissioned affairs to consider conservation measures for Japanese eel





Graduated from Hachioji Higashi High School



Bachelor of Sociology, Faculty of Sociology, Hitotsubashi University



Master of Marine Science, Graduate School of Marine Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology



Graduate School of Agriculture and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo



Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Agriculture and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo



Assistant Professor, Faculy of Law, Chuo University



Associate Professor, Faculy of Law, Chuo University



Professor, Faculy of Law, Chuo University

Photographer: Hajjime Kato Editor:Ikuko Fukushima, Wataru Kitamura

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