中村 大輔 Daisuke Nakamura

国際経営学部 教授

Professor, Faculty of Global Management

背景モチーフ 背景モチーフ 背景モチーフ 背景モチーフ

Study of urban and regional policies that facilitate living in harmony with the environment.


How should we devise and utilize the resources of the region in which we live in order to live more affluent lives? From the perspective of urban and regional economics, I have been conducting theoretical studies focusing not only on the market mechanism of money circulation but also on the production sites of goods and services, and the value of “cities” and “regions” as spaces essential to people’s lives. In order to apply the various findings and laws I have discovered in this process to the real world, I have conducted a series of verifications using several areas as model areas. Currently, I have been conducting joint research in cooperation with Tama City.

背景モチーフ 背景モチーフ 背景モチーフ 背景モチーフ 背景モチーフ 背景モチーフ 背景モチーフ 背景モチーフ 背景モチーフ 背景モチーフ 背景モチーフ

Research 01



Connecting models built from the perspective of location economics to solving local issues in the real world

Creating a community structure that is comfortable to live in

地域と言っても、その特性はさまざまで、今暮らしている人々やこれから暮らそうとしている人々の価値観やライフサイクルも異なります。これらを視野に入れながら、いつ、どのような施設・設備の工夫やサービス提供をすれば、経済効率的に無理なく皆が暮らしやすい地域がつくれるのかを、住民の声を受け止めつつ理論に照らして考えることは重要です。 このような観点から、私は2020年より、多摩市モデルエリアアンケート調査やヒアリングを継続して行い、この取り組みを通じて得た結果を分析し、最適化に向けた方策を行政へ還元しています。さらに、年3回のエリアミーティングを開催し、地域住民の方々や地域活動を担っている方々との議論を重ねることで、地域特性に応じた安定的に持続する地域運営のためのしくみづくりも展開しています。

Regions vary in their characteristics, and the values and life cycles of people who live there now and those who will live there in the future also differ. It is important to consider when and how facilities and services can be devised and provided to create an a better atmosphere of the community that is comfortable for everyone to live in, taking these factors into account, while listening to the opinions of residents and considering them in the light of theory.
From this perspective, I have been continuously conducting surveys and interviews of the Tama City model area since 2020, analyzing the results obtained through these efforts, and returning the results to the local government with measures for optimization. Furthermore, by holding area meetings three times a year in which we have discussions with local residents and those who are responsible for local activities, we are also developing a system for stable and sustainable local management in accordance with local characteristics.

教養番組「知の回廊」 第151回「地域自治形成と住民の地域活動への参画」より
※ 「知の回廊」は、中央大学とケーブルテレビ局であるジェイコム八王子(現在のJ:COM)が協力して制作している番組です。


Research Possibilities: what the research create to the World



Government, Non-Profit Organization, etc.

Provides measures that are tailored to local conditions and characteristics. In urban planning, it is important to develop hardware, such as through installation and renewal of facilities and equipment, in accordance with the needs and potential prospects of study area. However, effective management and operation in accordance with changes in the actual conditions and characteristics of the area require further discussion.
Our findings to date allow us to examine specific and applications with limited resources.

Research 02



Aiming to improve the productivity of the entire organization by designing a system that can withstand dynamic changes through “organizational upgrading.”

Creating a worker-friendly and productive organization


The “organizational upgrading” that makes an organization worker-friendly and highly rewarding is an initiative that directly affects the productivity of the entire organization. We will consider measures to transform areas that had to be abandoned because of distortions in resource allocation into areas of mobility, in accordance with the characteristics and features of the organization. Specific measures will be considered, such as how to balance the trade-off between ensuring the expertise of employees and allowing for flexible shift changes. For example, a two-tier structure could include a program to support start-up and basic task training and a career development program to enhance the expertise of each employee.


Research Possibilities: what the research create to the World



General Businesses, Government, Non-Profit organizations

Proposals will be made on the basis of actual conditions and room for improvement regarding the allocation of resources that will reduce the likelihood of field exhaustion.

Research 03



Expertise to suggest optimization of resource allocation under constraints

Providing expertise in optimal location planning


From the academic perspective cultivated through our research activities to date, we make proposals for optimal location planning that balances the needs (demand) of the region with the needs (supply) of the community. On the basis of a comprehensive understanding of what the community needs, the excesses and deficiencies in the supply of those needs, and the effects and impacts on the living environment, we make proposals based on a theoretical verification on what to locate where, on what scale, and according to what timing. We will also develop a model of what, if any, can be done to improve the allocation of socially desirable resources under existing local economic conditions.


Research Possibilities: what the research create to the World




At the Hachioji City Urban Planning Master Plan Revision Roundtable and other meetings, we have made proposals regarding optimal location planning by balancing local needs (demand) and regional needs (supply) from the perspective of urban and regional economics. We provide scenario analysis and commentary based on regional characteristics, including a lecture at the Takao Police Station of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department on specific proposed initiatives for the region.




Tama City

2020 – 現在


Joint Research on Resident Awareness Survey and Resident Participation Development for the Promotion of Local Autonomy


Fukuoka City Higashi Ward
Fukuoka City Harbor Airport Bureau

2017 – 2019


Research into “Creating a Comfortable Living Environment and Atmosphere” in Island City, Fukuoka City


Fukuoka Institute of Technology
Kyushu Sangyo University
Fukuoka City

2017 – 2019


Eastern Region University Collaboration





Analysis of the spatial allocation of resources for a sustainable rural economy: A wide-areal coordination approach, The Annals of Regional Science
DOI: 10.1007/s00168-022-01186-y



A Cooperative Regional Economic System for Sustainable Resilience Policy Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy
DOI: 10.1007/s12061-022-09443-5



Reorganization of the spatial economic system in a population decreasing region. In: Ye, X., Liu, X. (eds) Cities as spatial and social networks. Human dynamics in smart cities. Springer, Cham.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-95351-9_11



Alternative Spatial Structure for Sustainable Rural Economy: A note on socially optimal firm location, international regional science review
DOI: 10.1177/0160017616650001



Social participation and social capital with equity and efficiency: An approach from central-place theory, Applied Geography
DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeog.2013.09.008




University of Glassgow, Ph.D. Degree

2007/ 1

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Distinguished Visiting Scholar at Regional Economics Applications Laboratory


Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile, Profesor Asistente, Departamento de Economía, Facultad de Economía y Administración



Senior Research Fellow, International Research Center for East Asian Studies

2013/ 4

公立大学法人福岡女子大学 国際文理学部 准教授

 Associate Professor, Faculty of International Humanities and Sciences, Fukuoka Women’s University.


中央大学国際経営学部 准教授

Associate Professor, Faculty of International Management, Chuo University


中央大学国際経営学部 教授

Professor, Faculty of International Management, Chuo University

Photographer: Hajjime Kato Editor:Takayuki Honda

背景モチーフ 背景モチーフ

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