布目 靖則 Nunome Yasunori

文学部 教授

Professor, Faculty of Letter

背景モチーフ 背景モチーフ 背景モチーフ 背景モチーフ

Toward the creation of a "safe ski resort environment" that is responsive to diversification and


Thirty years have passed since a new snow sport, snowboarding, was introduced on the ski slopes. In recent years, skiing in more natural conditions has become popular, with the sale of fat skis for deep-snow skiing increasing. “JAPOW,” high-quality natural snow that is brought by seasonal winds blowing from the Sea of Japan, has been gaining attention on social media, attracting many overseas skiers and snowboarders. Ski resorts in Japan are now entering an era of unprecedented diversification and internationalization.
Under these circumstances, the nature of accidents that occur at ski resorts is changing. It is imperative to collect data about past accidents, identify previously unrecognized "risk" factors, and formulate new safety measures. As such, I am conducting research with the hope of contributing to the "creation of an environment in which everyone can practice snow sports* in an enjoyable and safe manner," and to revitalize winter recreation.
*Snow sports is a general term for skiing, snowboarding, chair skiing, and other sports and games that take place on snow.

背景モチーフ 背景モチーフ 背景モチーフ 背景モチーフ 背景モチーフ 背景モチーフ 背景モチーフ 背景モチーフ 背景モチーフ 背景モチーフ 背景モチーフ

Research 01



Data Reveals the Reality of Accidents

Serious Snow Sport Accident Database and Analysis

 スノースポーツは、雪を楽しむ魅力的な活動である反面、自然のなかでスピードをともなう滑走によって、時に身体に重大なダメージを受ける事態を招くことがあります。どんな事故が、何を原因として発生しているのか? その謎を明らかにしようと、私たちは1980年以降に国内のスキー場で発生した死亡事故等を網羅した「スノースポーツ重大事故データベース」を独自に構築し、これをもとに分析を進めてきました。その結果、例えば、近年、外国人客を含むスノーボーダーの「深雪に埋まる(窒息)」事故が増加傾向にあることや、事故態様にある種の潮流(経年的変動)があることが確認できました。自然回帰志向を受けて、ツリーラン(林間滑走)など未圧雪のコースを設けるスキー場が増えていることが一因と考えられます。


While snow sports are enjoyable activities in the snow, the high speeds involved in the natural environment can sometimes lead to serious physical injuries. What kinds of accidents occur, and what are their causes? In our quest to unravel this mystery, we have created our own “Serious Snow Sports Accident Database” which catelogues fatal accidents that have occurred at ski resorts in Japan since 1980. We have been conducting in-depth analyses based on this database. From our analysis, we have found, for example, that the number of accidents involving snowboarders, including foreign visitors who become “buried in deep snow (suffocation)”, has been increasing in recent years. Furthermore, there is a noticeable trend, a longitudinal variation, in how these accidents occur. One contributing factor might be the growing number of ski resorts offering unpaved runs, such as tree runs, in response to the trend toward a return to nature. Another unique advantage of this database is that it can be used in conjunction with approximately 20,000 pages of digitally archived court documents, initially compiled in cooperation with law firms. This allows us to thoroughly examine the mechanisms behind these accidents and explore the legal liabilities in various accident cases.


Research Possibilities: what the research create to the World



Ski resort operators (facility managers), athletic organizations, instructors, law firms, government
agencies involved in safety management, etc

Providing information on the number of fatal accidents and the manner in which they occur, as well as information on snow sports trials.

Research 02



Aiming to train skiers and snowboarders to proactively manage safety for themselves and others

Creation of educational material for snow sports safety using pictograms




*) 通常行われているスノースポーツ講習の受講者で、具体的には、8大学の正課スキー・スノーボード実習に参加した563名の受講者

No matter how carefully ski resort managers (operators) prepare their environment, accidents cannot be prevented, if problems on the skiers’ side arise. As such, safety education imparted by instructors, and safety management followed by skiers and snowboarders themselves are important. However, until now there has been no “educational material” to help skiers and snowboarders learn about safety. Therefore, we have begun to create safety education materials that use pictograms to explain the the “hidden dangers in snow sports” and other information from the accident analysis in an easy-to-understand manner. Through the use of pictograms, which can convey information regardless of language, we aim to appeal to the increasing number of foreign tourists (inbound visitors) and younger people who come from overseas to enjoy skiing and snowboarding in recent years. Safety educational materials are available in the form of booklets and leaflets.
In the experimental group, it was found that 59 participants who received the safety education course using the completed “Safety Materials (Snow sports Safety Handbook)” increased their interest in safe skiing, awareness of the rules for skiing, etc. compared to the control group.* In the safety education course, the instructor was given discretion to decide when to impart safety education and for how long. Before the experiment, we provided instructors with a detailed explanation of the content of the “Snow Sports Safety Handbook” and showed them how to use this handbook.
The produced pictograms are also used for safety awareness projects (posters) by the National Ski Safety Council, which is our contribution to society.
*) Participants in regular snow sports training courses, specifically, 563 participants in regular skiing and snowboarding training at 8 universities


Research Possibilities: what the research create to the World



Schools, snow sports organizations, instructors, government agencies involved in safety management, etc.

Provision of safety educational materials and content that can be used for safety awareness activities conducted by industry organizations (ski resorts, etc.)




Japan Funicular Transport Association (JFTA) , Ski Association of Japan, etc.

2010/1 –


Invited to speak at the “Workshop on Ski Resort Safety Measures”


National Ski Safety Council

2014/12 –


Supervision of safety awareness poster on “10FIS Rule”


Ski Association of Japan

2016/11 –

『日本スキー教程 安全編』寄稿

Contributed to “Japan Ski Instruction Manual, Safety Edition”


Japan Association for Skiing Safety



Standard Review Committee Member for “Domestic Safety Standards for Skiing (currently, Snow Sports Safety Standards)”






“Safety Management of Snow Sports (Skiing and Snowboarding)




“A Study of Snowboarder Buried under Snow Accidents – Based on Fatal Cases in the
2020-21 Snowboarding Season”



日本スキー学会編『スキー研究 100年の軌跡と展望』(編著)

“100 Years of Ski Research: Trajectories and Prospects,” edited by Japan Society of Ski Sciences (JSSS)



(公財)全日本スキー連盟編『日本スキー教程 安全編』(共著)

“Co-author of “Japan Ski Federation, Safety Edition” (Ski Association of Japan)




“Snow Sports Safety Standards Commentary” (First author)




中央大学法学部法律学科 卒業

Graduated from Department of Law, Faculty of Law, Chuo University


筑波大学大学院体育研究科コーチ学専攻 修了

Completed graduate studies in Coaching, Graduate School of Physical Education, University of Tsukuba

1993/5 – 1998/2

文部技官 行政(一)

Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Public Administration (I)


筑波大学体育科学系 助手

Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Education, University of Tsukuba

1998/4 – 2003/3

中央大学文学部専任 講師

Lecturer, Faculty of Letters, Chuo University

2003/4 – 2012/3

中央大学文学部 助教授(2007年4月より准教授)

Associate Professor, Faculty of Letters, Chuo University

2012/4 –

中央大学文学部 教授 (現在に至る)

Lecturer, Faculty of Letters, Chuo University

2013/10 – 2018/3

中央大学保健体育研究所 所長

Director of Health and Physical Education Research, Chuo University


Photographer:Kato Hajime Editor:Naohiro Yamada

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