Research 01
Applying results based on the technical research in the field and using them proactively for safe and secure land, river, and community development.
“River works that harmonize flood control and the environment” and “community development for flood disaster prevention”

I have been engaged in the development of new technologies for the design, repair, and maintenance of levees, river channels, and other river facilities. These technologies have been adopted as national technical standards for rivers and used to realize pleasant living environments that are safe and secure against disasters, considering both flood management and environment. I have also built a highly accurate simulation model for community development for disaster prevention, etc. that considers the behavior of flood waters caused by heavy rain and evacuation of people. This model is being used to understand the causes of flood damage from the Tama River in Kanagawa Prefecture in 2020 and to devise countermeasures, and it is being used for the flooding of the Kuma River in Kumamoto Prefecture in 2021 and the rebuilding of communities.

Research Possibilities: what the research create to the World
National and local government, construction consultancy industry, construction industry, etc.
Technological contributions relating to river disasters and river environments are particularly important on a national level in Japan, where flood disasters occur frequently. The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT); local governments; the construction industry; construction consultancy industry; etc. are involved from their respective perspectives. Many researchers at universities, etc. are closely involved mainly from the perspective of fundamental research, and they have a shared awareness of the issues because they routinely engage in discussions at national and local government committee meetings, etc. By being involved in national and local government projects from an expert perspective, they promote safe and secure land development. The Fukuoka Unit plays a role in the overall technical coordination that goes beyond the industry–government–academia framework.
Research 02
Giving research results back to society by sharing and disseminating knowledge.
Nurturing people who will be responsible for improving social capital, and passing on and creating technology across the generations.

Hosted jointly with the Water and Disaster Management Bureau every month since 2005, the River and Drainage Basin Technology Seminar has been held more than 160 times, as of March 2022. There have also been more than 125 sessions of the study group “Fukuoka Juku” for MLIT river engineers in the Kanto region. We attempt to solve problems by gathering on-site technical issues and discussing and sharing the latest expertise, and we have educated many engineers and researchers through lively discussions. There have also been more than 150 sessions of the Hydraulics Seminar, comprising university researchers and graduate students in water engineering in the Kanto region. We explore the academic and technical aspects of solutions in the field, and in response to the requirements, we act as a bridge between academia and society. The network we have built is the foundation for continuous industry–government–academia collaboration that enables rapid cooperation in the event of an emergency.

Research Possibilities: what the research create to the World
National and local government, construction industry, construction consultancy industry, universities, etc.
Training engineers requires considerable time and steady effort. Engineers must be motivated for continuous learning. However, they struggle to incorporate learning of new technologies into their busy schedules. Meanwhile, university researchers who are focused on fundamental research have few opportunities to be directly involved in flood disasters. Therefore, the Fukuoka Unit, which excels in both academic and technical aspects of “realizing river/drainage basin systems that are sustainable and disaster resilient,” supervises seminars that provide opportunities for both parties to study and collaborate.
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
2018 –
“Basin-scale flood control aimed at changing flood control policies”
By observing and analyzing temporal variations in flood water surface profiles to determine the volume and the state of water in the main rivers, primary tributaries, and secondary tributaries during heavy rain in a river basin, we could determine and illustrate the spatiotemporal distribution of basin water balance, allowing discussions on the desirable situation of flood control for the entire basin.
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
2010 –
“Constructing a river channel that harmonizes flood control and the river environment based on long-term observation data of the Tama River channel”
Prior projects on river flood control and the river environment have often been conducted separately. Hence, the important perspective of harmonizing flood control and the environment considering the entire river channel has been missing. Therefore, we investigated changes in the watercourse and river environment and the action of flood flow in the Tama River during a 75-year period from 1947 to 2021 using the records on river improvement work. We clarified on the type of river works and river management that is advisable in the future to harmonize the flood control and environment of the Tama River.
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
2019 –
“Development and application of a new analysis method for Kuma River flooding with severe inundation”
We built a new analysis model for flood and inundation flow during heavy rain in the Kuma River basin in 2020, and we used this model to explain the unusual behavior of the flood flow and the inundation water that occurred on site. The application of this model to future Kuma River improvement plans and community development for disaster prevention is being considered.
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
2015 –
“Planning and design of retarding basins for flood protection in upstream channels of the Ara River”
Regarding four retarding basins to be constructed in the upstream region of the Ara River to control flooding, we developed a new quasi three-dimensional analysis method for the positioning of the retarding basins and the size and structure of each retarding basin such that they exhibit effective flood flow control. This has been applied to the construction on site.
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
2015 – 2020
”Research study on levee failure.”
For the mechanism of river water seepage into a levee during flooding and leading to failure, we derived a dimensionless levee vulnerability index consisting of physical quantities governing failure based on a mechanical consideration of the seepage water. This index was shown to be valid and to adequately explain seepage failure both levees in the field and laboratory. This index is used as the technical standard for judging the levee failure by the seepage flow.
S.Fukuoka, K.Tabata:Risk assessment of levee seepage failure based on the levee seepage failure probability Pf and the levee vulnerability Index t*, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering,ASCE, Volume 147(1),040200901-13, 2021.
福岡捷二 : 洪水流の水位と流量の今日的考え方―多点で観測された洪水位水位と水面計から河道の水理システムを見える化する―,土木学会論文集B1(水工学)Vol.73, No.4,pp.637-642,2017.
出版社名:森北出版株式会社(ISBN4-627-49571-4)発行年月: 2005年。
“Advances in River Sediment Research”
Editor: S.Fukuoka, H.Nakagawa、T.sumi、H.Zhang
出版社名:CRC Press,Taylor&Francis Group(ISBN978-1-138-00062-9)
発行年月: 2013年.
This is where the English text will be placed.
総論|General remarks
福岡捷二 : 大規模氾濫時の被害軽減のための水害共生社会制度の構築に向けて―治水施設のストックと水防法等の発展を融合させた流域治水、法律時報,91巻,12号,pp.72-78,2019.
This is where the English text will be placed.
ME Civil Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido University
PhD Mechanics and Hydraulics, Graduate College, University of Iowa, USA.
Research Associate, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Associate Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Head, River Hydraulic Division, Public Works Research Institute, Ministry of Construction
Professor, Hiroshima University
Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Hiroshima University
Institute Professor , Research and Development Initiative , Chuo University
Specially Appointed Professor , Research and Development Initiative , Chuo University