
"We want a win-win relationship for the company and the university" – Saizeriya and Chuo University's effort to develop original methods of psychological analysis: 10 years of partnership and future prospects

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全国にイタリアンレストランを展開する株式会社サイゼリヤ(以下、サイゼリヤ)は、理工学部人間総合理工学科の檀 一平太教授との共同研究の中で消費者の心理を数値化、モデル化して、ブランド展開やメニュー開発に活用しています。2011年以降続いている共同研究のきっかけや、連携関係が長く続いている理由などについて、サイゼリヤ研究開発部の小川豊部長(取材当時)と檀教授がプロジェクトを振り返りました。

The national Italian restaurant chain Saizeriya Co. has collaborated with Prof. Ippeita Dan of the Department of Integrated Science and Engineering for Sustainable Society, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Chuo University to quantify and model consumer sentiment in such a way that the findings can be used for brand development and menu creation. In this interview, Yutaka Ogawa, the then Director of Research and Development at Saizeriya, and Prof. Dan reflect on the project and discuss topics such as how the joint research effort began in 2011 and how the partnership has lasted so long.

檀 一平太

理工学部 人間総合理工学科 教授

1969年生まれ。国際基督教大学教養学部理学科生物学専攻卒業。東京大学大学院総合文化研究科博士課程中退。日本学術振興会特別研究員、科学技術振興事業団研究員、健康食品会社営業員等を経て、食品総合研究所に入所。PD、研究員、 主任研究員、自治医科大学医学部先端医療 技術開発センター准教授を経て、現在、中央大学理工学部人間総合理工学科教授。学術博士。

Ippeita Dan
Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Chuo University

Born in 1969. Graduated from the Department of Biology, Faculty of Liberal Arts, International Christian University. Withdrew from the doctoral course at the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the University of Tokyo. After working as a researcher for the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), a researcher for the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), and a salesperson for a health food company, he joined the National Food Research Institute. Professor, Department of Human Rational Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Chuo University. He is currently a professor at the Department of Human Science and Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Chuo University.

小川 豊

株式会社サイゼリヤ 研究開発部 部長(取材時)

Yutaka Ogawa
Manager, Research & Development Department, Saizeriya Corporation (at the time of interview)


A meeting that started with no plan ended with a research proposal and a vision for a way forward


Q: Mr. Ogawa, please tell us why you contacted Prof. Dan.


Ogawa: Our company established the Department of Research and Development in 2011 under the direct supervision of the company president. Even today it is unusual for a restaurant chain to have an R&D department. At first, I was on my own and our president told me, “You can do whatever you want.”


The first thing I thought of was a questionnaire survey. Before joining Saizeriya in 2008, I was at a beverage manufacturing company. When we conducted questionnaire surveys for product development, we would often get different results even under the same conditions. For all the money we were spending, I had doubts about our ability to understand the customers’ true feelings.


Saizeriya operates more than 1,000 restaurants in Japan, with 150 million customers per year. However, after joining the company, I had the feeling that the company doesn’t understand its customers.


Therefore, I started thinking about new techniques that could be used to understand customers’ true feelings. I began searching for journal articles on psychology and neuroscience using such websites as academic databases. During this process, I came across Prof. Dan. He was conducting research on similar themes at the National Food Research Institute, which was part of the National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, so I got in touch. However, at that time I didn’t have a specific idea of what I wanted to do, so I went into the conversation as a blank slate.


Q: Prof. Dan, what kind of topics did you discuss at first?


Dan: When I tell people that I’m studying the brain, they sometimes have the impression that it involves things like “understanding delicious flavors,” but that’s not the case. Our laboratory specializes in the discipline of “psychometrics,” which follows the flow of human psychology. With regards to the present topic, we wanted to identify the cognitive structures customers have when they start to like Saizeriya or its products, and to visualize the pertinent structures in customers’ brains. I proposed to Mr. Ogawa that this flow could be linked to improving services and products.


Ogawa: At the time, the term “neuromarketing” was trendy, and we had also thought about doing something with brain analysis. Prof. Dan gathered a comprehensive set of materials that included previously conducted research on this topic. He explained to us that “You will be able to find out up to this point by analyzing the brain, but with psychometrics you will be able to understand this much.” I was also thinking that psychometrics seemed like a better approach, so I had started with it as our main axis.


Dan: The joint research project started when I was at my previous university, but when I moved to Chuo University, I set up the “Saizeriya Food Cognitive Science Research Unit” under our R&D organization, which has continued up to today.


* The Chuo University R&D organization has a “research unit” system that allows large research projects to be carried out using funding from sources outside the university.


Psychometrics can numerically verify the attractiveness of menus and interior designs


Q: Prof. Dan, please tell us about your specialty, psychometrics.


Dan: Psychometrics is the creation of what can be called “yardsticks of the mind” that can be used to measure the mind. These yardsticks of the mind are “psychological scales” that use multiple questions to take measurements of the mind.


For example, if a single question is answered with a 5-point scale, this is called a “discrete variable,” which is difficult to treat as a continuous value. But if you create 5 related questions, you get 5 × 5 = 25, which can be treated as a continuous variable.


Q: How is that different from answering one question worth a maximum of 25 points? 


With that method, it’s impossible to make a strict distinction between 17 points and 18 points. But by skillfully combining questions, it is possible to accurately measure a person’s mind. We have about 100 questions and have created about 20 psychological scales. This makes it possible to use advanced statistical methods like multivariate analysis and structural equation models to quantify and visualize the cognitive flow of the mind. 

Examples of visualizing the strength of a brand. Psychological scales (in this case on things like brand awareness, satisfaction, etc.) are created from multiple questions to quantify how strongly the psychological scales relate to each other. This enables visualization of the flow toward brand loyalty or purchase frequency.


Ogawa: It’s easy to describe, but difficult to do. The questions were developed based on English-language articles, and we had a hard time translating them so that the nuance was preserved.


Dan: The accuracy of each psychological scale is also important. We only want to use scales that have “reliability,” which means the measurements are stable, as well as “validity,” which means the scale is actually measuring the concepts you want to measure.


Ogawa: The first thing we did was to examine customer loyalty (brand trust and affection) to find out what appealed to people about Saizeriya and why they came to the stores.


Q: What did you find out?


Ogawa: We found that the biggest reason customers come to Saizeriya is the menu. We were able to beautifully visualize a structure in which customers come to the restaurant excited to look at the menu, and when they get good cost performance, it increases their sense of loyalty.


Ogawa: When I reported this to our chairman and president, they said, “Ogawa my boy, this is amazing.” The chairman had always said, “The only reason customers come to Saizeriya is the menu.” The things we took for granted were verified in our research with Prof. Dan.


Once you have a success story, all you have to do is put your ideas to work. Next, we started investigating our products. We investigated the menu by replacing restaurants with various items in the aforementioned psychological scale questions, such as what customers who ordered Milanese rice casserole were thinking and how they felt afterward. Then we did the same with items like hamburg steak and salad.


Q: Can you use these techniques for other things besides menu items?


Dan: We also used them when changing the interior design. Saizeriya wanted to have an Italian designer create a new “bright Mediterranean” look, but it was important to pay attention to the effects on customer loyalty.


When we compared the interiors before renovation to computer graphics of the proposed design, we found that while people thought the new design looked more Italian and would facilitate conversation, customer loyalty ultimately did not change much. In other words, we concluded that the redesign would allow Saizeriya to control the things it wanted to control, while not generating any backlash from its current customers.


Ogawa: With the regular questionnaire format, we sometimes got different results even under the same conditions, but the results from questionnaires based on psychometrics were stable and highly reproducible. We felt that previous issues regarding instability in the results of questionnaire surveys had been completely resolved. We also discovered that customer loyalty didn’t change much even during the novel coronavirus pandemic that started in 2020.


Employees can grow as independent researchers, and can independently engage in research, surveys, and modifications

——「サイゼリヤ食認知科学研究ユニット」はどのような体制になっていますか? サイゼリヤの社員は何人いるか、檀先生の学生は何人参加しているかなど教えてください。

Q: How is the Saizeriya Food Cognitive Science Research Unit structured? How many Saizeriya employees are there and how many are Prof. Dan’s students?


Ogawa: Currently, seven Saizeriya employees are participating in the project. Overall, around a dozen people have participated to date.


Dan: When it comes to psychometrics, there is almost no student involvement. It’s quite distinctive that everything is done by Saizeriya researchers. They are high-level researchers with good communication skills. In joint corporate projects, some people believe the research is being outsourced to the university, but with Saizeriya, we provide support for their researchers in a role that is similar to an educational consultant.


Q: Did you have this kind of a relationship in mind from the beginning?


Ogawa: When I first met Prof. Dan, we discussed two types of relationships that would be desirable in a joint corporate research project.


The first is that we wanted a win-win relationship for both the company and the university. The ideal is to have our employees grow, and not just outsource research on a theme and receive the output. We have been able to propose themes based on their needs, and at the same time the university can generate a track record through conference presentations and journal articles. I believe that the fact that this mutually beneficial relationship proceeds in an equal manner is why our partnership has lasted so long.


Dan: Since Saizeriya researchers understand psychometrics down to its basic principles, they can fine-tune the techniques to apply them in other tasks. If they outsourced the work to another survey company, the mechanism would remain in a black box, and they would have no way to work with it. I think learning psychometrics and being able to implement surveys and modifications on your own is an incredible strength.


Q: What is the other important point in joint research?


Ogawa: It’s about connecting with the company’s top management and accelerating internal decision-making. When the Saizeriya Food Cognitive Science Research Unit presented its proposals to the company, they asked us to make sure that things would proceed smoothly. I told them this wouldn’t be a problem because the R&D department to which I belong reports directly to the company president.


Dan: It’s very easy to carry out joint research with a department that is under the direct control of the president. A project might end up in a deadlock if an approval needs to be obtained from multiple departments before making a decision.


Ogawa: Of course, not all proposals are accepted, but we have a good environment where the R&D department can communicate its ideas directly to the president.


Q: It seems unusual for a joint research project to last for more than 10 years. What have been the tricks to that success?


Ogawa: I think it’s because our research themes are always evolving. For example, while we are studying customer loyalty, we ask questions about this and that, which creates different branches and leaves of inquiry, which themselves can turn into the main trunk. The trick is for the company to have suitable needs and for the university to continue to provide educational resources.


Another thing is that every time we come to a stopping point, we compile a report. This is not an academic article, but it contains everything, including the raw data. It is organized to a level where someone else who looked at it could take all the old data and reproduce the findings.


Dan: Only Saizeriya is able to follow the raw data to this extent. That is a valuable resource.


Saizeriya wants growth based on scientific evidence; Prof. Dan wants to aid Saizeriya as a form of social infrastructure


Q: It has been about 10 years since the joint research project was launched. What kind of research have you planned for the future?


Dan: We are now able to analyze the brain in ways that were not possible 10 years ago. Our laboratory measures brain activity using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), which is a form of functional brain imaging. By applying this, we can understand people’s gut feelings about Saizeriya’s flavors and the atmosphere inside its restaurants.


Ogawa: Another research theme we’re currently working on is employee satisfaction. Now that we have an understanding of psychological scales, we are starting to apply them to it.


Dan: The research on employee satisfaction is very high level and has already been presented at international conferences. We’re thinking of publishing a paper on it in the near future.


Q: You mean the number of papers will increase through joint corporate research?


Dan: As for myself, I don’t really care about the sheer number of papers. Still, one reason we’ve continued to collaborate is that business needs our discipline. Saizeriya has restaurants all over the country and can be considered a form of social infrastructure in that it has the support of a large customer base without having to do TV commercials. If a company improves through a partnership with us, we believe that is a contribution to society’s infrastructure.


Ogawa: As our chairman says, “We want to industrialize the restaurant business.” Industry needs scientific evidence to produce stable results. The psychometrics Prof. Dan has taught us are creating just this kind of scientific basis for Saizeriya.


Q: There seems to be a good deal of alignment between Saizeriya, which wants to develop its business based on scientific grounds, and Dr. Dan’s laboratory, which aims to contribute to society through Saizeriya as a kind of infrastructure company. We hope your joint research project will continue to accelerate and look forward to seeing more applications!

左からサイゼリヤ・江部るみ子様、中央大学研究開発機構・久徳 康史 機構准教授、小川様、檀教授。
From left to right: Ms. Rumiko Ebe of Saizeriya, Associate Professor Yasushi Hisanori of Chuo University’s Research and Development Organization,
Mr. Ogawa, and Professor Dan. The interview was held at Saizeriya near Chuo University. Masks were worn except during filming.

Photographer:Kato Hajime Writer & Editor:島田祥輔

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