
"It is now possible to see a person's shape with 3D sensors" – The road to developing an upgraded human traffic measurement service for Nikkei Research

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市場調査・マーケティングリサーチ会社である株式会社日経リサーチ(以下、日経リサーチ)は2020年7月、人流計測サービス「スキア」をリリースしました。このサービスの技術開発を担っているのが、理工学部精密機械工学科の新妻 実保子教授です。人とロボットシステムの共生を目指す新妻教授が、なぜ人流計測サービスの開発に携わったのでしょうか。日経リサーチの池田達哉執行役員と新妻教授が、サービス化までの道のりを振り返ります。

In July 2020, the market and marketing research firm Nikkei Research Inc. released a human traffic measurement service called Skia. The technology for this service was developed by Prof. Mihoko Niitsuma of the Department of Precision Mechanics at Chuo University’s Faculty of Science and Engineering. One of Prof. Niitsuma’s goals is to achieve the coexistence of humans and robotic systems. So why was she involved in the development of a human traffic measurement service? Tatsuya Ikeda, an executive at Nikkei Research Inc., and Prof. Niitsuma reflect on the path it took to get here.

新妻 実保子

理工学部 精密機械工学科 教授

2007年東京大学大学院工学系研究科電気系工学専攻博士課程修了 博士(工学)。東京大学生産技術研究所博士研究員(日本学術振興会特別研究員)、中央大学理工学部精密機械工学科助教を経て2021年4月より同教授として勤務。現在は、 ロボティクスによる人の活動支援を目的とした人とロボットのコミュニケーション(犬の愛着行動のロボットへの適用、協調型電動車いすの実現)、ヒューマン・インタフェース(音高差を用いた壁面形状の提示、産業用ロボットの遠隔操作支援)等の研究課題に従事。

Mihoko Niitsuma
Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Chuo University
In 2007, Completed the Doctoral Program at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
After working as Postdoctoral Researcher at Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo and Assistant Professor at Department of Precision Mechanics, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Chuo University, she assumed her current position in April, 2021.
Currently, she is engaged in research projects such as human-robot communication (application of dog attachment behavior to robots, realization of cooperative electric wheelchair) and human interface (presentation of wall shape using sound height difference, remote control support for industrial robots) for the purpose of supporting human activities through robotics.


池田 達哉

株式会社日経リサーチ 執行役員

青山学院高等部卒業 京都大学理学部卒業。大学では、人工衛星のデータを解析してオーロラを研究。1985年入社後、国内外のマーケティング・リサーチに携わってきた。特にアジア新興国や中東など国際調査を長く担当。また日本経済新聞社広告局や日本経済新聞アメリカ社にも出向。2019年よりスキアの開発を進めてきた。

Tatsuya Ikeda
Executive Officer, Nikkei Research Inc.

Graduated from Aoyama Gakuin High School. Graduated from Kyoto University, Faculty of Science. At university, he studied auroras by analyzing satellite data. Since joining the company in 1985, he has been involved in domestic and international market research. In particular, he has long been in charge of international research in emerging Asian countries and the Middle East. He has also been seconded to the Advertising Bureau of Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Inc. and Nihon Keizai Shimbun America, Inc. He has been working on the development of Skia since 2019.


Searching for technology that can track behavior and protect privacy

―― 池田さんが新妻先生と出会ったいきさつを教えて下さい。

Q: Mr. Ikeda, please tell us how you met Prof. Niitsuma. 


Mr. Ikeda executive officer (hereinafter without honorifics): I learned about Prof. Niitsuma’s research at the “Innovation Japan 2018 – University Trade Fair and Business Matching” conference.

弊社は市場調査・マーケティングリサーチの会社で、消費者にアンケートに回答いただくというかたちでさまざまなデータを集めます。ちょうどIoT(internet of things、モノのインターネット)が広がっているころで、デジタル技術を使って行動を測定することを目的に新規事業チームが立ち上がったタイミングでした。

We are a market and marketing research company, so we collect various kinds of data by having consumers respond to questionnaires. The conference took place just about when the Internet of Things (IoT) was getting popular, and we had recently launched a new team with the goal of tracking human behavior using digital technology. 


The first thing that comes to mind when thinking about tracking human behavior is cameras. However, cameras record people’s faces, which creates problems involving the protection of personal information. If you use artificial intelligence (AI), you need to collect data at an early stage. There is also the beacon method, but that requires handing out devices to the subjects in advance. It’s good for examining the movements of employees inside a company, but not for tracking an unspecified number of people inside a shopping mall.

いろいろ探していたときに見つけたのが、新妻先生の研究室で使っているLiDAR(ライダー: light detection and ranging、光検出と測距)という技術です。レーザー光を使って対象物までの距離を測定するもので、人の形状だけを検出するのでプライバシー侵害の恐れがありません。イノベーション・ジャパン2018では学生に説明していただき、関心をもったので新妻先生に相談することにしました。

While doing my own investigations, I came across a technology called LiDAR (light detection and ranging) that is used in Prof. Niitsuma’s laboratory. LiDAR uses lasers to measure the distance to an object, and because it’s capable of detecting only a person’s shape, there is no risk of invading their privacy. My interest was sparked when a student explained it to me at Innovation Japan 2018, so I decided to contact Prof. Niitsuma.

―― 新妻先生の研究室ではLiDARをどのように使っているのですか?

Q: Prof. Niitsuma, how do you use LiDAR in your laboratory?


Niitsuma: Research in our laboratory is aimed at achieving the coexistence of people, robots, and space. When a robot assists a person, you can’t pre-program where the person will be and when or what kind of help will be needed. Therefore, I think we also need to install different types of sensors that can observe the entire space and understand the events that are happening inside it. In addition to making robots smarter, a keyword we use often in our research is “spatial intelligence,” which aims to make spaces smarter. 


Observation technologies using LiDAR are important basic technologies for achieving spatial intelligence. LiDAR lets us measure where people and objects are in space. The data obtained allows us to generate an “environmental map” that reproduces the observed environment. Our goal is to enable robots to use environmental maps to get people the services they need in a space. Data acquisition that includes the detection of humans is a unique approach of ours.

The measurement device fits in the palm of your hand.
An environmental map made using LiDAR in Prof. Niitsuma’s lab. The red circles represent people and can be distinguished from walls and other objects that appear as black squares. Green indicates where people have been—the darker the color, the longer the stay.

―― 人ありきで環境地図を作るということですね。池田さんから共同研究のお話を聞いたとき、最初にどのような印象を受けましたか?

Q: This means making environmental maps based on people. What was your first impression when you discussed a joint research project with Mr. Ikeda? 


Niitsuma: The opportunity to apply my research on spatial intelligence in society was very attractive. There are limits to what can be done in the laboratory in terms of research on human subjects. Even if you try to reproduce how people live in the lab, it will fall short of reality. I was always concerned that spatial intelligence would remain a technology that could only be observed in situations that can be reproduced in a laboratory.


I was very pleased to be able to conduct tests outside the laboratory, and that the technology I developed as an engineering researcher would be used in society.


Service launched less than 2 years after starting the joint research project

―― 共同研究はどのようなステップで進んでいったのですか?

Q: What were the steps you took in the joint research? 


Ikeda: At first, we discussed what kinds of situations we could use LiDAR in, what types of data we could gather, and how we use it to provide feedback to the clients who use the service. Some people suggested using it in museums and exhibitions. We began this discussion in the summer of 2018 and decided to conduct an experiment at our offices that winter. 


Niitsuma: The experiment was to evaluate whether we could properly measure differences in human activity during different periods, such as busy or slow times, and whether the data would appear on an environmental map. We presented our research at the 37th annual conference of the Robotics Society of Japan in September 2019, and Nikkei Research Inc., also published a press release


Ikeda: It was great to be able to describe real situations and make progress in the research together. 


Since then, we’ve also conducted field tests at retail stores and construction companies we have relationships with. The former wanted to understand customer traffic. For the latter, we were able to objectively evaluate the people using an office based on the traffic of people in the office. Based on this, we planned to release a service for measuring and evaluating environmental maps to be used for things like office design in 2020.


But once the COVID-19 pandemic arrived, we changed the proposal to focus on our ability to measure the 3C’s (closed spaces, crowded places, close-contact settings). In June 2020, we launched Skia, which uses LiDAR to measure human traffic. 


Niitsuma: Skia can be used to assess whether the 3C’s are present in a situation or if they can be prevented by controlling human traffic. 


One feature of joint corporate research projects is a sense of speed 

―― 新妻先生が企業と共同研究を進めていった中で印象的だったことは何ですか?

Q: Prof. Niitsuma, what has impressed you about joint corporate research?


Niitsuma: We underwent a major change of direction in 2019 and 2020 by switching from 2D LiDAR to 3D LiDAR. 2D LiDAR does not yield data on people’s heights, and only recognizes people as points, whereas 3D LiDAR yields three-dimensional representations of people, which allows you to distinguish between people who are standing and those who are sitting. However, in addition to producing several dozen times more data, it also creates new challenges, such as that moving chairs are also seen as people.

3D LiDAR clearly shows a person’s shape.


Ikeda: It was a difficult request, but because 3D LiDAR shows a person’s shape, it makes the proposals we make to clients much easier to understand. Our clients’ opinion of us has improved because they grasp the concept intuitively and claim, “This is great.” 


Niitsuma: If I had only been conducting research, I wouldn’t have felt this sense of speed. When you think about practicality in real situations, it is definitely easier to understand three dimensions than two, so I think the switch was inevitable. I was grateful to have been able to take on this challenge. 

―― 最初に出会ってから1年くらいで学会発表、翌年にはブラッシュアップしたサービス化と、共同研究が順調に進んだのですね。何か意識したことはありますか?

Q: About a year after you met, you presented at an academic conference. The following year, you upgraded the service and have made smooth progress in your joint research. Is there something you’ve been conscious of through this?


Ikeda: We had meetings once a week, and because our company was close to the university in Korakuen, we sometimes just came over. I think we had good communication.


Niitsuma: As the creator of the technology, I was clear about the things I couldn’t do, and I was highly conscious of the stage I needed to reach before releasing the service.


Ikeda: We’re in business, so at some point we want to release a product. If I said, “We’re good to go once we confirm it’s mostly operational, right?” Prof. Niitsuma would say, “We can’t release yet because we haven’t done enough testing.”


Niitsuma: But that wasn’t just about being conservative. I understood the importance of getting a company what it needs when it needs it. There was an incredible sense of speed.


Accurate human traffic measurements enable discussions based on figures

―― LiDARを使った人流計測サービス「スキア」はどのような場面で使われていますか?

Q: In what kinds of situations do you use Skia, your LiDAR human traffic measurement service? 


Ikeda: The first was at retail shops in a department store. You can see which people pass by and which stop because they are interested in the products on display. You can also compare how the flow of people shifts when you change the layout. 


You can also calculate turnover rates in food courts and cafés. Sales and the number of people who made purchases can be determined from POS data, but this does not tell you the exact number of users. When discussing what to do about the decline in customers due to the pandemic, knowing the number of users can provide a numerical basis for discussing whether to try to increase the number of people who come to the store, whether to focus on takeout, or other ideas. 


The service can also be used at parks and train stations to prevent the 3C’s from arising. Unlike cameras, LiDAR not only protects privacy, but also has the major advantage of being able to take measurements even in the rain or at night. Clients really appreciate being able to see the results in real time. 

―― 新妻先生から、こういう場面で使ってほしいというアイデアはありますか?

Q: Dr. Niitsuma, are there any situations where you would like the service to be used?


Niitsuma: My role is to create technology, so I don’t have any ideas about where it should be used, but whenever there is a demand for data or measurement technology, I’ll do my best to meet the need. 


On the technical side, I want to be able to automatically detect changes in human activity. For example, if you see things like a sudden change in human traffic at a department store, people in an office acting differently in the morning and afternoon, or other turning points where conditions change, there may be an opportunity to shift behavior. Because the information on an environmental map is constantly being updated, we would like to define features that can be used to automatically detect changes in activity. 


Ikeda: I’d also like to find a way to use the service to improve employee satisfaction. Instead of focusing on efficiency, it would be nice to have a way to use LiDAR data to improve the relationship between workers and customers, such as by making work more enjoyable for workers and making customers happier so they buy things. In terms of facilitating communication, I think it’s possible to find something that encourages the coexistence of people, robots, and the environment, which is the theme of Prof. Niitsuma’s research.


I want to load environmental maps into mobile robots for my own research

―― 新妻先生が取り組んでいる研究の中で、今後企業と共同研究をやってみたいものには何がありますか?

Q: Prof. Niitsuma, among the research you’re presently engaged in, is there something you’d like to do as joint corporate research in the future?


Niitsuma: The idea of creating environmental maps using LiDAR was originally for mobile robots. The robots we see in public move awkwardly. They don’t really move at practical speeds for interacting with people. I’d like to create robots loaded with environmental maps that can interact with people, such as by guiding them around a facility or automatically disinfecting things. 


Also, even though it’s not ready for practical use, we are also researching how to help visually impaired people walk using environmental maps that know where walls are. We are also using research on mobile robots to study autonomous driving for electric wheelchairs. 

―― 新妻先生の研究では、動物行動学をロボットと人のコミュニケーションに応用していると聞きました。これはどういったことでしょうか?

Q: I’ve heard that in your research, you apply findings from animal behavior to communication between robots and humans. What does this entail? 


Niitsuma: You know how it’s possible for dogs to receive messages without using words, like come here or go there? Similarly, with mobile robots, I think we need means of communication that do not rely on words. We want to create smooth communication between humans and robots by incorporating the natural behavior of dogs into mobile robots. For example, dogs will turn around occasionally to see what people are doing or they’ll generally stay close to people they know. We are collaborating with Hungarian animal behaviorists on this.

―― 広い分野の知見を取り入れて、さまざまな応用を想定しているのですね。どのような技術がこれから出てくるのか、楽しみになりました。ありがとうございました!

Q: You really do envision incorporating knowledge from a wide range of fields into all kinds of applications. We are looking forward to seeing what kind of technology you’ll create in the future. Thank you! 

Photographer:Kato Hajime Writer & Editor:島田祥輔

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