Chuo University is a general university with eight faculties and two graduate schools, where researchers from diverse fields are engaged in research. By utilizing the strength of this comprehensive university, many interdisciplinary industry-academia collaborations that transcend the boundaries of affiliations and research fields are conducted.
In this article, we introduce research conducted by Prof. Atsunori Ariga from the Faculty of Letters and Prof. Koji Matsushita from Chuo Business School, in collaboration with graduate student Fuka Ichimura from Hokkaido University and Lecturer Kosuke Motoki from the University of Tokyo, which revealed that the thickness of the glass used to drink a beverage affects the taste of green tea. *
This study revealed that thicker drinking glasses made green tea taste sweeter, while thinner glasses made it more likely to taste bitter. The study, which received a strong response in the media and on social networking sites, was conducted with the support of flavor and fragrance manufacturer T. HASEGAWA CO.,LTD.(hereafter, referred to as T. Hasegawa).
We spoke with Prof. Ariga and Matsushita, as well as T. Hasegawa employees, regarding what T. Hasegawa sought to achieve through joint research with universities, how Chuo University and T. Hasegawa were initially connected, and what made joint research between universities and companies progress smoothly.

松下 光司
元 戦略経営研究科(ビジネススクール)教授
Koji Matsushita
Professor, Graduate School of Strategic Management, Chuo University
Born in 1971. Ph.D. in Business Administration from Keio University.
After working at Rissho University and Nanzan University, he has been in his current position since 2012. He was a visiting professor at Johns Hopkins University in 2013-14 and 2017-18. He specializes in consumer behavior and marketing strategy.

有賀 敦紀
文学部心理学専攻 教授
Atsunori Ariga
Professor, Faculty of Letters, Chuo University
Born in 1981, he graduated from Hiroshima University in 2004 and received his doctorate in psychology from the University of Tokyo in 2009. After working as a JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow for Research Abroad, a visiting researcher at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, a full-time lecturer and associate professor at Rissho University, and an associate professor at Hiroshima University, he has been in his current position since 2022.

髙久 寛康
長谷川香料株式会社 マーケティング部 統括部長
Hiroyasu Takaku
Senior Marketing Director, Marketing Division, T.HASEGAWA CO.,LTD.
For 15 years after joining the company, he has been engaged in the development of food flavorings as a flavorist. Currently, he is devising unique marketing approaches on a daily basis, utilizing the knowledge and experience he gained in development.

大森 雄一郎
長谷川香料株式会社 ビジネスソリューション本部 総合研究所
技術研究所第4部 グループ長 主任研究員
Yuichiro Ohmori
Senior Flavor Chemist, Senior Sensory Scientist, Technical Research Institute, R&D Center, T.HASEGAWA.CO.,LTD
Since joining the company, he has been involved in the development of food flavorings and basic flavor research as a flavorist. Currently, he is engaged in “visualization of flavors” using sensory evaluation and physiological response measurement to develop flavors preferred by consumers, making use of his experience.

平木 拓
長谷川香料株式会社 マーケティング部マーケティング企画部企画課 主事
Taku Hiraki
Chief Marketing Planner,Marketing Division,T.HASEGAWA CO.,LTD.
Since joining the company, he has been engaged in marketing operations. Utilizing his experience in data analysis, he understands consumer needs and insights from various perspectives, and makes proposals to solve clients’ problems.
Why B-to-B Flavor and Fragrance Manufacturers are Focusing on Marketing to Understand Consumers
―― まず、長谷川香料から見た、大学や他の企業と共同研究をする意義を教えてください。
— First, from T. Hasegawa’s point of view, what is the significance of conducting joint research with universities and other companies?
Mr. Hiraki (hereafter, titles omitted): I believe that the advantage of joint research is that we can receive various opinions and the latest information from researchers specializing in the field.
We are a B-to-B flavor and fragrance manufacturer, and our direct customers are mainly consumer goods manufacturers of products such as food, beverages, and cosmetics. Increasingly, we are being asked to propose flavors that meet the needs of consumers beyond our regular customers.
Takaku: Flavor is an important element in creating the character and value of a product. When a food or beverage tastes good, you keep returning to it, don’t you? That is how strong the influence of a flavor is. Clients are also increasingly asking us to work with them to figure out how to approach consumers, with us as a partner rather than a supplier.
Hiraki: Thus, we need to focus on marketing to understand consumers. The Marketing Division, to which I belong, was established five years ago to meet the needs of such customers. We are constantly analyzing the connection between flavor and consumer behavior by utilizing a variety of data and other means, along with making proposals and conducting research for our customers. In particular, this psychological research focused on the container’s thickness. I was attracted to the idea that by connecting consumer behavior with the environment wherein consumers perceive food to be delicious through their sense of touch and vision, it would be possible to provide flavors that meet consumers’ needs.
Inevitably, aspects of in-house research alone make it difficult to deviate from the axis of flavor. Through our joint research, we hope to use this information not only for academic purposes, but also for marketing purposes to draw consumers. If manufacturers like us can combine technology and marketing, I think we will have a great advantage.

–Have there been previous collaborations with researchers specializing in psychology?
Takaku: This was an unusual case. I remember looking forward to it because it was a field we had not worked in before; most of our collaborations had been in the field of science.
Ohmori: I am currently in charge of sensory evaluation, which is the evaluation of taste by human senses, and in fact, the study of sensory evaluation was originally greatly influenced by psychology. I think it is a natural progression for a psychologist to want to conduct research on how sensory evaluations are affected, and I was very interested in this.
Our direct customers are mainly manufacturers of consumer goods such as food, beverages, and cosmetics, but there are consumers beyond them. Knowledge of sensory evaluation, psychology, and marketing is essential to consider the consumer and make suitable proposals. We received the proposal for this joint research at a time when such momentum was growing within our company and decided to work together on this project.
Matsushita: The consumer who takes the final product in their hands is called the end consumer. In business, it is important for manufacturers to think about realizing value for both the retailers with whom they do business and the end consumer. It is natural for flavor and fragrance manufacturers, who are upstream in the manufacturing process, to be interested in the end consumer as a business.

Nonhierarchical relationships in college led to chance encounters.
— Next, I would like to ask Dr. Ariga and Dr. Matsushita—how did you come to collaborate with T. Hasegawa?
Ariga: It all started when I was having a beer with Dr. Matsushita at Korakuen. I remember suddenly saying, “It feels like beer tastes better in a thin glass.” As a psychologist, I have a habit of paying attention to my daily environment, and I have always found beer drank from a thin glass to be delicious.
At that time, Dr. Matsushita and I ended up talking about how it would be interesting to conduct such a study. When we searched for papers, we found some studies that focused on the container’s color and material, but we could not find any studies that focused on the thickness of the drinking vessel. That’s when Dr. Matsushita and I started getting excited, as we realized that both of us wanted to understand and study this phenomenon.
— So you did not decide on your research theme after discussing it with T. Hasegawa?
Ariga: Yes, that’s right. At the time, I was not collaborating with T. Hasegawa.
Matsushita: During that time, an employee of T. Hasegawa was one of the working students at Chuo Business School. He told me that he was a flavorist who mixed various flavor materials to create a desired flavor. At the time, I was working on another project about flavors and became interested in his work. This led to a visit to T. Hasegawa’s research laboratory, where we had a lively conversation, and we began to discuss joint research.
–What was your impression of T. Hasegawa when you heard about the collaboration?
Hiraki: Actually, it was around the time when I had similar doubts about the difference in drinking quality as well. Even a single cup of coffee may be drunk in a can, with a straw, or in a plastic bottle. Since we had experienced the difference in flavor perception between different product types, we wondered whether there was a way to make it more realistic.
It was right around that time that I heard Dr. Ariga and Dr. Matsushita speak. I was surprised to learn that psychology professors had similar questions, and I personally felt like I was in the right place at the right time. I thought that if this study were successful, there would be a drive within the company to further validate it.
Ohmori: I think it will lead to new approaches to customers.
Matsushita: Looking back, it was largely due to chance encounters with people and coincidences. I think the university is a good place to meet people because both faculty members and students can talk freely with each other in a nonhierarchical manner.

The image of joint research with companies has changed.
–What was T. Hasegawa’s internal explanation for the joint research?
Ohmori: The joint research with the psychology professor was a valuable opportunity for our company; thus, I explained the project’s benefits, saying that it would provide a new approach to flavor evaluations and help solve our clients’ problems. In addition, the ideas that can be developed by people within the company alone have limits. Therefore, the advice from a psychology professional’s perspective is valuable and we can provide supporting insights from the perspective of flavor. We thought it would be a win-win situation for both parties.
Hiraki: Both management and employees seemed to feel that the project would lead to some indirect results.
Takaku: Momentum was building as we were beginning to focus on marketing and we had to invest in knowledge before we could directly apply it to our business. I think the company understood this investment.
–What do you think about the atmosphere at T. Hasegawa?
Matsushita: If you aim to create new value with flavor, with an eye toward the future, I think it will be easy to align your joint research with a university. If the situation is too similar to a sales situation—in other words, the desire to sell the product immediately to the customer in front of you—then collaboration with us researchers is not a good fit.
When we actually proceeded with the joint research, the discussions included not only people from the research institute but also those from the marketing division at T. Hasegawa This is a rare occurrence. Perhaps it is a reflection of the company’s belief that research and marketing must be integrated.
Takaku: It is a company policy to remove barriers between departments and do things seamlessly.
Matsushita: I think it would be interesting to make a horizontal skewer with the keyword “research.”

–What was your initial impression of collaborative research, Dr. Ariga?
Ariga: To be honest, I was skeptical about whether they would support this kind of research. I have been doing basic research for a long time and was interested in the mechanism of tactile sensation, but I was not at all interested in whether it could be used to make money. However, over the course of our meetings, T. Hasegawa did a good job of positioning the research on the thickness of the glass. I also enjoyed the process of conducting research knowing that my research would be positioned in this way.
Matsushita: When companies conduct joint research with universities, I think it will be important for them to be curious about basic research such as that conducted by Dr. Ariga and make researchers think that a collaboration would be interesting. I felt that Dr. Ariga was also highly optimistic and forward-thinking regarding the positioning of his research results in society.
Ariga: Yes, I felt that the gears were meshing well together.
Takaku: It is true that our laboratory includes many curious and inquisitive people. Some employees find it interesting to say, “Let’s make a flavor that matches the thickness of the container.” I think that this curiosity is an important source of ideas.
Matsushita: If they find it interesting, we can make various proposals and build a good relationship with them.
–As you proceeded with your joint research, did you feel any kind of pressure during the research due to the support you were receiving from T. Hasegawa?
Ariga: That was not the case at all. As we conduct scientific research, sometimes we don’t see results. However, T. Hasegawa was deeply understanding in this regard.
Ohmori: We had discussions about how we might get better results this way, and I enjoyed meeting with you each time.
Ariga: We always had constructive discussions, and I looked forward to each meeting.
–You were able to proceed with the joint research in a fairly good atmosphere.
Ariga: In the past, when conducting joint research with companies, I had felt strong pressure due to the demand for speed and the message that the project is running within the company, and I was concerned that I would not be able to conduct any research that I myself would find interesting. This time, however, I was introduced to T. Hasegawa via Dr. Matsushita, and it was very easy to work with them. The image of joint research with companies has changed in my mind.
My joint research with T. Hasegawa reaffirmed the strength of psychology for me. This lies in the fact that it is able to successfully obtain data from experiments on actual human subjects. I enjoyed the opportunity to use this strength in my joint research with T. Hasegawa It is also a valuable experience for me to be able to listen and study next to Mr. Matsushita and T. Hasegawa as they talk about marketing in this way.

Reaffirming the importance of carefully examining what is familiar.
–After the press release was announced, it attracted a great deal of attention, especially on social networking sites. Did you expect this kind of response?
Hiraki: It was much more than I expected. Indeed, I never expected any such response in the first place. Some of our employees knew empirically that the flavor changes with the mouthfeel, and it was good to be able to bring this to the consumer. As a B-to-B company, we rarely see consumers’ reactions directly; thus, it was a great benefit for us to realize that consumers are interested in this kind of thing.
Ohmori: I think it is a great achievement that we were able to verify something that we somehow thought had not been verified through a solid academic process of psychology. I think this is a new weapon for our company because we can propose to our customers, citing this research, that the flavors change with different types of drinking vessels.
Takaku: It also helps to communicate that our company is enthusiastic about research.
Ariga: I also found the research interesting, but I did not expect such a strong response. The fact that everyone had an idea, but no one had verified it, reminded me that it is still important to carefully examine what is around us. I also feel that the great response to this research enabled me to repay T. Hasegawa.
Matsushita: I think it is easier for an issue to become a topic of conversation in society if people are willing to say something about it. Translating the findings of research into a trending topic may make the research more acceptable to society.

The key to industry-academia collaboration is to combine speed and a medium-term perspective
–Not only did the results of this joint research generate a great response, but from what we heard, the relationship between the university and the company seemed to be quite good. What do you think is important for successful joint research between universities and companies?
Matsushita: I would like to ask companies to view joint research with universities as sowing seeds for the future. I believe that long-term relationships will lead to trusting relationships where both parties can ask each other anything. Short-term projects and talks that are only useful for solving immediate problems do not seem to fit in with university research.
Takaku: I think it was partly because our company is accustomed to taking time. Even in the normal course of business, it is not unusual for it to take three years from the time a flavor we develop is adopted by a customer to the time a consumer actually picks up the product. I think it had something to do with the company culture of experimentation and verification over a long period of time and enjoying the process.
Ariga: I was shocked because I had never heard of such a company. I wondered if any company would keep up with us at this pace.
Ohmori: Of course, speed is also required, but we have also had initiatives that took 10 years for basic research; therefore, I think the time is ripe for adopting a long-term view.
Matsushita: Speed in pursuit of results may become an important keyword when companies conduct joint research with universities.
Ariga: I think that is a major point. The students primarily conducted the experiments for this study and it was very easy for them to work at the pace that T. Hasegawa set up for them. As the university is an educational institution, student education is the main focus, and they were able to fit us into their schedule. Even when we had discussions together, they were warm and supportive of the students’ progress, which I believe had a significant educational effect on them.
–As Dr. Ariga mentioned earlier, you didn’t like to do joint research with companies, but after this experience, do you want to do joint research with companies again?
Ariga: I think I would accept the premise that the students will be able to keep up with the pace. I would like to work with a tolerant company that is willing to watch students grow.
Hiraki: Thank you very much. We believe that the opportunity to engage in discussions with students is valuable and that we should continue to create such an environment in the future.
Ariga: It is difficult for students in the Faculty of Letters to feel a connection with society. Therefore, I think it was really good that the students who participated in this project were able to experience firsthand how their research is useful to society through joint research.
–How do you look back on this joint research, Dr. Matsushita?
Matsushita: I believe that we were able to fulfill the university’s role by using the business school as a point of contact to connect basic research at the university with practical business operations at the company. Researchers conducting basic research should pursue what they want to do. However, personally, I would like to play a role in creating contacts, as I am always thinking about how basic research can be used in business. We hope to see more university researchers and students develop gentle connections with companies.
–What do you mean by “gentle”?
Matsushita: It means having a strategic, medium-term perspective. If we are to plant the seeds together for the next several years, I believe that universities and companies can help each other.

After the three-way discussion
The collaboration among the Faculty of Letters, the School of Business, and a flavor and fragrance manufacturer is unique, but the conversation revealed that it is a case of a successful fusion of basic research and business in both the university and the company.
One of the keywords mentioned in this industry-academia collaboration was to match speed and timeframes. It is likely to be important for companies to understand the speed of research at universities and adopt a medium-term perspective, which will introduce benefits to industry-academia collaboration. Universities and students can learn how their research is positioned in society, and companies can expect to differentiate themselves from their competitors by conducting original research that only they can do.
Chuo University will continue to promote industry-academia collaboration that transcends the boundaries of faculties and graduate schools.

*This study was conducted while Prof. Ariga and Mr. Ichimura were at Hiroshima University.
Photographer:Kato Hajime Writer & Editor:島田祥輔